Hoppin Hooves
Mini Nubians
Kolts SRTN Benzel
This beautiful boy produced some amazing babies for us. He is a small sized Nubian which worked well for producing Mini Nubians in our breed program.

Hoppin Hooves Daisy May 6 Gen

Sire: Golden Plains Aiden 6 gen
Dam: HeartBreak Kidz Miss Katie

Golden Plains Amadeus *B 5th gen

This boy is a *B buck with super fabulous milking lines

Sire: VCH Green gables Freedom's Winchester +B 4th gen
Dam: Moonlight Jasmine 5th gen

Hoppin Hooves Maxi grade

Sire: Kolts SRTN Benzel
Dam: Busy Bee Farms Nellie

Flint Creek Firefly nigerian dwarf
Firefly is one of my first goats. Super super sweet. She is a great nanny too. When a couple doelings last year lost their mommy do to complications Firefly was our "to go" girl for nanny.

Nigerian Dwarf
Sire: TX Twincreeks RM Silvio 8B
Dam: The Flint Creek Sinnamon

Carpenter Ranch Enchanted Rose 4th Gen

Sire: Green Gables Grant General Sherman
Dam: Rocking Goat Mya
Ohare's Bambi grade

This girl is super sweet in your pocket kinda goat. Great Green Gables bloodlines and good milker.

Bambi is where I started. She is actually an F2 but when I purchased her I wasn't into anything other than the milk. We have her registered now with the MDGA but she is grade. Her grand daughters will be put back into the mini books. I liked her personality and the fact she will give a quart of milk in a 12 hour period that she was worth us keeping her to bring down her generations. I have 4 of her daughters. Rosie and Goldie and soon to be posted Clover and Violet

Sire: Kolts SRTN Benzel
Dam: Flint Creek Firefly

Hoppin Hooves Annebelle F1

This is my little F1. Don't let her size and looks deter ya. She throws some purrdy babies.
Sire:Kolts SRTN Benzel
Dam: Flint Creek Firefly
Nigerian Dwarf

Hoppin Hooves Snickers F1

This pretty F1 threw some gorgeous kids. She now lives in Montana

Sire:Kolts SRTN Benzel
Dam: Flint Creek Firefly
Nigerian Dwarf

HeartBreak Kidz Miss Katie Purebred

Sire:Eddy Place NIgel
Dam: Too Mini Acres Jasmine
This girl is my tank. She milks a quart in a 1/2 every time and has easy to handle teats and calm disposition in the stanchion.
Hoppin Hooves Desiree F7

This little darling is just beautiful like her dam. Noreen has great milk production, beautiful bag conformation and soft teets and we are hoping those great traits are passed on to this cutie.
Sire: Golden Plains Aiden F6
Dam: W4 Noreen F6

Hoppin Hooves Delilah F6

Sire: Golden Plains Aiden
Dam: Back2Basics Becca
This girl comes down from super milking lines. Becca her dam on her first freshing is showing great promise as she has a fabulous udder and gives about a quart.

Hoppin Hooves Birdie 3rd gen grade

This pretty girl is 3rd gen grade but she has great milking lines and has earned her milk stars. She produces a gallon a day twice a day milker,. She also has good conformation. Her kids will be F1 experimental.
Sire: Golden Plains Aiden
Dam: Hoppin Hooves Rosie

W4's Palomino Paulina F2

Paulina produces a quart a day and has a nice udder for an F2.
Hoppin Hooves Caribou F2

This elegant girl is Caribou. Already at an F2 she is showing promise in a nice udder and milk production.
Sire:LazEAcres Over the Top
Dam: Hoppin Hooves Snickers F2

Sire:LazEAcres Over the Top
Dam: Hoppin Hooves Snickers F2

Golden Plains Aiden 6th gen

Sire: Eveland's Farm Turbo 5th gen
Dam: Moonlight Constellation *P 5th gen

Back to Basics Conal 7th gen

This guy is all sorts of great. Good looks and milk...nice
Sire: LazE Acres Over The Top 6th gen
Dam: Carpenter Ranch Georgia's Peaches 6th Gen

Crazy Raven's Justice for All

Sire: Cedar Park's Blackberry
Dam: Bit O' Bliss GPR Pretty Polly

Hoppin Hoves Cyrus 6th Gen

This boys is a handsome buck with great milking lines, polled and blue eyed.
Sire: Golden's Plains Amadeus 5th Gen *B
Dam: W4 Noreen 6th gen blue eyed and polled

This girls is super in everything. Good conformation, great milking lines, and super sweet.
Hoppin Hooves Checkers F7

Sire: Golden Plains Aiden F6
Dam: Golden Plains Abeje

This girls has great bones structures. great lines. Lookings forward to see how she does in milk.
Hoppin Hooves Goldie grade

Sire: Kolts SRTN Benzel
Dam: Ohare's Bambi
Grade 1

Make Offer$

Sire: VCH Green Gable's Freedom's Winchester *B
Dam: Laz E Acres Mimsy Mae *P

Sire: Kolts SRTN Benzel
Dam: Flint Creek Firefly

Hoppin Hooves Elizabeth 3rd Gen

This pretty girl is poled and blue eyed. She should be an improvement as this lines develops. Mom and grandma produced a quart a day. Nice amounts for an early gen, the teets were still a little small but this girl should be improved with teet development and milk production.

Sire: Hoppin Hooves Cyrus F6
Dam: Hoppin Hooves Caribou F2

W4 Noreen 6th Gen polled and blue eyed

She is polled and has blue eyes. Mother comes from heavy milking lines and beautiful conformation and dad has great things going for him as well. He is polled and has blue eyes and we are hoping to carry those great genes in to the kids. She is quite a talker when we come to visit, super sweet and milks like a dream.
Sire: Backyard Mini Nubian Arnold Blue
5th Gen American Polled
Dam: Echo Hills Chocolate 5th Gen